Performance Management and Retention Strategies are two important components of any successful organization. They both play a critical role in ensuring that employees are motivated, engaged, and perform at their best.

Keywords: Performance Management, Retention Strategies, employee motivation, employee engagement, employee performance, HR strategies, workforce management, employee satisfaction, employee development, talent management

Latest Research Areas:

  1. Employee Engagement: This area of research focuses on understanding what drives employee engagement and how to create a workplace environment that fosters engagement and motivation.
  2. Feedback and Performance Evaluation: This area of research focuses on the role of feedback and performance evaluation in driving employee performance and development.
  3. Goal Setting: This area of research focuses on the impact of goal setting on employee motivation and performance.

Effective Performance Management and Retention Strategies are critical to attracting, retaining and developing top talent. By creating a positive and supportive workplace environment, organizations can encourage employees to perform at their best and stay with the organization for the long term.


  1. Armstrong, M. (2017). Armstrong’s handbook of performance management: An evidence-based guide to delivering high performance. Kogan Page Publishers.
  2. CIPD (2017). Employee engagement: The key to improving performance. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
  3. Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125(6), 627-668.
  4. SMACS (2017). The impact of goal setting on employee performance. Society for Management and Administration in China and South Africa.
  5. CIPD (2018). Retention strategies for employees. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

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